About EHN

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About Eastside Health Network


Eastside Health Network (“EHN”) is a physician-led, formalized business entity between independent physicians and employed physicians from EvergreenHealth and Overlake Medical Center and Clinics. The network develops and implements evidence-based, data-driven clinical initiatives to improve outcomes, increase efficiency and reduce costs in the inpatient and outpatient setting. By sharing data and representing a broad cross-section of the community, EHN negotiates payor contracts as a network in order to align payments and incentives with the performance and quality of the care delivered.

Who leads EHN?

EHN operations and governance are physician-driven and physician-led. Sixteen of the 18-member Board of Directors are physicians, representing independent and employed primary and specialty practitioners. The remaining two Directors are the Chief Financial Officer of Overlake Medical Center and Clinics and the Chief Operating Officer of Evergreen Health. 

How is EHN structured?

EHN is an LLC owned by Eastside Health Alliance (EHA), a joint venture between EvergreenHealth and Overlake Medical Center and Clinics. EHA was created to deliver high-quality care and exceptional patient experience at a lower overall cost, improve access and coordination of care, and to enhance the depth and breadth of services offered on the Eastside. The Board of Directors, in accordance with the EHN President, guide the day-to-day operations and strategic decisions. The Network is supported by four working committees: Quality and Patient Experience, Cost and Utilization, Network Development and Nominating, and Contracting.